all content © Albert J. Winn 2013
My Life Until Now by Albert J. Winn, published by Blue Sky Books, is an autobiographic project of photographs and short stories spanning 3 decades.
Winn, a seemingly robust survivor of HIV/AIDS, lived with the illness for more than 30 years before succumbing to a rare and aggressive cancer at the age of 66. Seen within the context of a 29-year relationship with his husband Scott Portnoff, the 50 images and 9 text panels address personal relationships, Jewish religious and cultural identity, family, illness, sexuality and memory.
The text panels are excerpted from 7 short stories that accompany the book: My Name, Appendicitis, Hawaiian Aliyah, Cafe Figaro, Until Now, T'shuvah and Germany.
An essay entitled "Albert Winn's Life Until Now: An Appreciation" penned by long-time friend Jeffrey Shandler (Professor of Jewish Studies, Rutgers University) appears along with a eulogy by another close and long-time friend, Kim Lee Kahn (M.A. Cal Arts).
Blue Sky Gallery (Oregon Center for the Photographics Arts, Portland, OR) showed Al's work in May 2014.